
Really gory scene from outlast whistleblower dlc
Really gory scene from outlast whistleblower dlc

really gory scene from outlast whistleblower dlc

Imagine playing something like this on the Oculus Rift someday.how amazing and frightening would that be? Good to see Red Barrels delivers again. There are some scenes that will stick with you. With a decent price and great experience I'll give this DLC a 9/10. Also, it may just be me but I felt like they used less jumpscares and more atmosphere in this installment, which is another great feature. However, if Outlast was not of your taste this is a game you may want to avoid. I wouldn't say it's better OR scarier than the original but it makes up for the lack-luster ending half of the base game. It is able to handle the hide-and-seek, light puzzle solving, and some platforming quite nicely. This is a great addition to the original game, while still being only 2-3 hours long. However, Extremely good DLC, I highly recommend it if you enjoyed the original Outlast. … ExpandĮxtremely good DLC, I highly recommend it if you enjoyed the original Outlast. I enjoyed this DLC and highly recommend it to anyone who loved Outlast and are looking for one more good adventure through a asylum dealing with INSANE patients.and the WALRIDER.

really gory scene from outlast whistleblower dlc

I promise there will be moments where you'll be saying "WTF" making this dlc far more better. compared to the original story I can tell you this DLC is alot gruesomer, it delves deeper into whats going on at the asylum. and even dealing with the dreaded Walrider. You'll see many familiar faces of the insane patients. Now you don't get to see Miles but if you've played his story.well you know what winds up happening with him. The night Waylon is trying to escape is also the same night that MIles arrives. Through Waylon's eyes you adventure through different parts of the asylum you were not able to explore as MIles, and even get to go back through areas you did go through as Miles.

really gory scene from outlast whistleblower dlc

like Old boy MIles, you try to escape using nothing but a camera you found to record things going on and to see in the dark, incappable of combat yet again. You see through the eyes Of Waylon who is working at the asylum when things go to.well.sh*t. You play as Waylon Park, the man you may have noticed in the original game that sent the email to Miles Upshur (the protagonist you play as in the original part of the game) saying that he needs to check out the asylum because there is some crazy **** going on there. I'm not so much scared as I am just shocked about all that went down in this dlc.

Really gory scene from outlast whistleblower dlc